Welcome everyone to my blog! I created this blog to share my Sims pictures and stories. I hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Sims 4: Belmont Legacy (Generation 26 Part-1)

Part one of Gen 26 of the belmont Legacy!
Also, is anyone else super excited for the Parenting GP?! Now I just some more supernaturals and maybe farming or castaway related stuff and i'll be set <3 

Slaying a Vampire!

 Generation 26 Heir Trevor Belmont II

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Sims 4: Belmont Legacy (Generation 25, Part 2)

Part 2 of Gen 25 of the Belmont Legacy!

The Thirst Is Taking Over...

 Lillith has collected some strange seeds and planted them. Most humans wouldn't even know what to do with them, But Lillith knows exactly what they are for.